DUI Pre-Test

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“Pre” indicates before treatment, “Post” is taken after treatment.
1) One 12-oz. bottle of beer contains about the same amount of alcohol as a shot (approximately 1 to 1.25 oz. glass) of whiskey.*
2) Second conviction of Class 1 Misdemeanor DUI in five years is 10 Days in Jail, minimum, along with other miscellaneous consequences.*
3) In the same period of time, a 140-lb. woman can consume the same amount of alcohol as a 140-lb man and have a higher blood alcohol concentration.*
4) In the brain, alcohol first depresses the area of higher functioning, which includes judgment, and reasoning.*
5) Using large amounts of alcohol only affects the liver, other organs, like the heart are not damaged.*
6) Marijuana is rapidly expelled from the body after use.*
7) The seven common stimulant drugs are cocaine, amphetamines, meth-amphetamine, amphetamine-related prescription pills, over-the-counter stimulant pills, caffeine, and nicotine.*
8) As alcohol consumption is legal, this means alcohol consumption is safe because alcohol is a weak drug.*
9) Persons using prescription drugs, over-the-counter or street drugs can get a DUI.*
10) Although many people think they drive fine while drinking, they actually have slow reactions, poor concentration, and bad judgment.*
11) Denial is a psychological defense mechanism that protects people from seeing the harsh realities of their addiction.*
12) Addiction involves compulsion, loss of control, and continued use despite negative consequences, and other symptoms*
13) One of the most common warning signs of upcoming relapse is increased participation in recovery-oriented activities such as 12-Step groups.*
14) Sedative-hypnotic withdrawal is the least dangerous type of drug withdrawal.*
15) Alcohol used by a pregnant woman can cause physical and mental defects in her unborn child.*
16) Tolerance is a process in which the same amount of a drug begins to have less effect or when the amount of a drug needs to be increased to have the same effect as before.*
17) The four steps from trigger to relapse are Trigger, Thought, Craving and Use.*
18) When people use high doses of such powerful stimulants as amphetamines or cocaine over a long period of time, they may have a severe break with reality called a psychotic break.*
19) Physical dependence on a drug means the exact same thing as addiction to a drug.*
20) About 3 in every 10 Americans will be involved in an alcohol related crash at some time in their lives.*