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Please, select Pre or Post-Test*
“Pre” indicates before treatment, “Post” is taken after treatment.
What are the three major types of mood-altering drugs?*
What drug classifications apply to alcohol?*
Alcohol decreases the functioning of the Frontal Lobe, the part of the brain responsible for:*
Alcohol has a negative impact on which of the following organs:*
The effects of marijuana fall into which class of drug?*
A common stimulant-class drug is*
Which of the following is not a stimulant-class drug?*
Regular alcohol use can lead to hypoglycemia, which is:*
Which of the following is not a Sedative-Hypnotic-class drug?*
The process by which the same amount of a drug begins to have less of an effect when used is called:*
This term describes a psychological defense mechanism that protects people from harsh realities*
Which of the following is not a warning sign for relapse:*
What are the 4 steps from Trigger to Relapse*
Alcohol use during pregnancy can lead to which syndrome in the child:*
Sedative-hypnotic intoxication impairs*
Sustained use of powerful stimulants can lead to which of the following?*
Which of the following are aspects of addiction?*
Addiction can go away on its own, without treatment, and generally does not get worse over time.*
Driving can be impaired by even a single drink*
As alcohol consumption is legal, that means alcohol is safe to consume because it is a weak drug*