Substance Abuse Treatment
SAGE provides a range of Substance Abuse Education and Treatment services. Our services always begin with a comprehensive assessment, and we utilize evidence-based practices, e.g., Cognitive Behavioral Counseling, Motivational Interviewing, Relapse Prevention, Interactive Journaling, and empirically-validated assessment instruments. Our services are provided in our many outpatient clinics in Maricopa County and throughout Arizona--18 in total.
We offer standard outpatient treatment groups that typically meet twice per week, intensive outpatient groups that typically meet three times per week, early intervention counseling, relapse prevention, underage drinking program, complete DUI services, and Motor Vehicle Department (MVD) Revocation Evaluations. We also offer eight and sixteen-hour substance abuse education programs on the weekends.
Early Intervention Substance Abuse Program
This counseling group is designed for clients who want to address their substance use, but do not have a severe history of problematic use or abuse. Even though many of its members are referred by the criminal justice system, they do not have criminal lifestyles or extensive criminal records.
Underage Drinking Program
Our Underage Drinking Program is designed for adults ages 18 through 20 who have been charged with an alcohol-related offense and who do not meet the clinical criteria for our more intense alcohol and drug treatment programs. This program has three components: an initial assessment, which is followed by either an Education Class with an overview of common problems associated with alcohol and substance use/abuse, or short-term alcohol and drug counseling, where individuals explore their reasons for using substances, the related consequences, and strategies for recovery. We examine clients’ thinking, beliefs, and decision making, as well as provide techniques and alternatives for developing and maintaining a positive lifestyle. The Education Classes are generally provided in two, 8-hour weekend sessions.
Misdemeanor DUI Program
SAGE is licensed by the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) to provide all three misdemeanor DUI services: Screening, Level II Education, and Level I Treatment. Our Level II Education groups are typically held on the weekends, and we offer multiple Level I Treatment groups per week throughout our clinics.
Lapse/Relapse Prevention
SAGE understands that not every individual is in need of a comprehensive treatment program. Sometimes individuals have experienced a lapse or relapse and would benefit from a brief, targeted intervention. These individuals may have a support system in place that encourages recovery and may only need shorter-term assistance and guidance. For these people, SAGE has developed a “Lapse/Relapse Prevention Group” that specifically assists clients in identifying common problems encountered in recovery, as well as their personal challenges and strengths. We teach and rehearse skills to assist them in maintaining abstinence even during their most difficult times and situations. This group typically meets one time each week, for 2 hours.
Drug Education
SAGE Counseling, Inc. offers both 8 and 16-hour Alcohol & Drug Education Classes. Participants in these classes are provided with information about the biological, psychological, and social consequences of substance use and abuse. An overview of the potential legal consequences of possession and/or use of drugs/alcohol is provided. For those attending the 16 hour program, there is also an introduction to the signs and symptoms of dependency, as well as an introduction into clinical treatment.